Saturday, August 4, 2007


As if you didn't know I'd get here before long. I am a huge supporter of NaNoWriMo.

For those not in the know, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. is a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days - November to be exact.

I've actually heard a number of people rip it down saying it gives non-writers the belief that anyone can write a novel. I say, if you think you have it in you - GO FOR IT! Who says you need to try to get it published? Many people who participate in NaNo file away their accomplishment and never look at it again. But it gives them the courage to believe they can do anything!

NaNo is an intensive month of writing, but it's also an amazing learning experience. Those involved meet tons of people online, get into in depth discussions about some of the strangest things, usually gain a bit of weight, drink way too much coffee, meet other writers in their local area (sometimes in person), have a lot of fun and end up with at least a 50K word manuscript.

Do you win anything? No, except the knowledge that you can do such a crazy thing with thousands of other people all over the world. Well, that and a 50K+ word manuscript.

This will be my 5th NaNo and I'm extremely exited. I know it's only August, but I've already started mapping out my storyline for this November. Even though I'm tempted to start on it, I will follow the rules. I won't start until 12:01 on November 1st.

Personally I find I work better with a planned out story, but others fly by the seat of their pants. I've planned two years and winged it two years. The years I planned were much easier and I produced much better pieces of writing. Everybody is different and you need to do what works for you.

So, I'm going back to work on fleshing out my characters, create my interesting creatures and outline so I have every chapter planned and ready to go. When November hits I plan on not only writing 50K words, I plan on writing a complete first draft. No matter how many words it takes!

I hope to see you there!

Later days,

PS - Still trying to figure out links here. Any help would be appreciated!