Friday, July 13, 2007

Great Critter Site!

I came across a critique site that is absolutely wonderful. I didn't think I'd ever find such a place.

On most crit sites you submit your short story or chapter as a thread in a forum and then everyone argues about it and rips it apart. I've honestly never found much constructive criticism through that type of critique, personally. It usually turns into more of a bashing session. There are a few sites that try to keep the bashing to a minimum, but they're very cliquish. Notice I'm not naming any names, just telling you what I've experienced.

Well, Critique Circle is quite different and I'm extremely impressed. When you join you get three credits. With those three you can submit a piece of writing to join the queue the following Wednesday. Or, you can crit other people's writing and collect more credits. The more credits you earn the more writing you can post each week for crit. I have found most of the writing on the site very professional and the critiques very helpful. I'll admit to getting a few "I liked it" & "I hated it" but most were in depth and productive. They have a variety of templates for those who need help and 'Newbie Helpers' for those new to the site.

The forums are full of nice people who have been very helpful. The debates are cordial while straight forward. Another site (which I like and will bring up at a later date) has quite harsh people who can't seem to debate without flinging names and insults, Critique Circle has none of that. I've met a lot of great people who are driven to better their writing and helping others. I'm not saying the site is all sweetness and light, but it doesn't make me feel at all bad for what I write - either in the forums or the chapters I've submitted.

The site can either be free or a paid site. I have only used the free options, but look forward to having the cash to be able to utilize all if the site. I don't feel like I'm missing anything by not paying, but would like to see what the paid version provides.

So, if this type of thing interests you crazy writers out there who have not found a crit site that fits you just right, come check out the critters at Critique Circle.
Later days,

PS - If anyone can explain to me how to make that into an actual link, please help! The button at the top that's supposed to turn it into a link doesn't seem to work, grrr.

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